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Capricorn Weekly Horoscope – Capricorn Horoscope for the Week From the AstroTwins

WEEK OF June 19 – 2 5, 2023

Creativity, take the wheel! It won’t take long to rev up your artistic nature this Monday, June 19, when your ruler, masterful Saturn, unites with visionary Jupiter in a rare formation—a 60-degree sextile. Gather your supplies and make space for Muse-time. When these heavy hitters team up like this every five or so years, they turn you into a one-Goat imagination station.

Jupiter’s in Taurus and your fifth house of playful, joyful self-expression. You have the green light to pursue whatever (or whoever) catches your eye. Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces adds depth and discipline to your thought processes. You’re meant to have “serious fun” under this paradoxical mashup. In other words, go wild with your ideation, Cap. Connect to the brightest people you know to brainstorm and bounce ideas. But recognize that a few of the gems that emerge will be worth their weight in Rockefeller Emeralds.

Already have a masterpiece to unveil? Make your captivating pitch early this week. The Jupiter-Saturn sextile doesn’t simply make you an engaging presenter. You’re able to convey your message in a thoughtful, responsible way that builds trust. Put all the data on the table while keeping your romantic, excited perspective alive. People don’t expect perfection, but they DO want to know that the pros outweigh the cons.


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If you’re on a deadline—self-imposed or otherwise—no need to battle your way to the finish line by your lonesome. On Wednesday, June 21, the Sun blazes into Cancer, lighting a fire in your seventh house of partnerships. These blazes burn brightly until July 22, attracting the rare birds of your pedigreed feather. Since Cancer is your opposite sign, these high-functioning collaborators may work in a totally different category than you do. But finding the artist to your engineer (or vice versa) could unleash a dynamic duet!

Capricorns who are searching for love will enjoy the bounty of possibilities that Cancer season brings. Pro tip: Paddle out of the obvious dating pools and challenge yourself to develop new interests. A love match might NOT be found in your insular friend pod, but you COULD put your pals on matchmaker duty. Who knows? They could meet someone who they suspect might be perfect for you through work or when dropping off their dry cleaning. It can’t hurt!

Existing relationships deepen by July 22. Coupled Caps, be mindful about making your S.O. a priority again. Warning: Don’t overload your schedule! Having the Sun in your opposite sign can also be a low-energy period since those rays are so far away. If you want to have the momentum and mojo to enjoy the rich, romantic rewards, build in longer periods for rest. Rejuvenate with regular (but not overly strenuous) exercise, vitamins, and treatments like massage and acupuncture that help your kundalini rise.

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Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit

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